covid19 - Folk Performing Arts in Toshima +plus | English

Measures to Prevent COVID-19 Infections

Please be sure to confirm the following before you come to the venue
and cooperate with all measures against the spread of infections.
This information may be revised appropriately based on future trends in COVID-19 infections.

Before the event

All guests attending the event in person are asked to register their
personal information (contact information, etc.).
Information may be provided to official bodies such as public health centers if necessary.
Registration Procedure: Via the form on this website or at the entrance to the venue
The entrance may become crowded. If you wish to attend the event in person,
you can make the entry procedure smoother by registering via the form in advance.

Personal information
registration form

Please download/install the COVID-19 contact-tracing app COCOA before coming to the venue.

COVID-19 Contact-Confirming
Application (COCOA)

At the venue

  • Wear a mask and use sanitizer frequently!

    Wear a mask and use sanitizer frequently!
    Please refrain from behaviors that can lead to droplet transmission, such as talking without wearing a mask or yelling/shouting.
    Hand sanitizer will be available at various locations in the venue. Attendees are also strongly encouraged to bring their own, if possible.

  • Body temperature measurement

    Please allow your temperature to be taken.
    Your temperature will be taken when you enter the venue. If your temperature is 37.5 degrees Celsius or higher, you will not be permitted to enter.

  • social distancing

    Maintain social distancing.
    Please avoid crowding together and maintain adequate distance from others inside the venue.

  • Please minimize talking

    Please minimize talking and refrain
    from cheering or shouting.

  • Please refrain from eating
    and drinking in the venue

    Please do not eat or drink inside the venue.
    (You may drink water, etc. if you need to do
    so to keep from feeling unwell.)

After the event

If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 within two weeks of attending the event,
please contact the Toshima Mirai Cultural Foundation immediately.

Toshima Mirai Cultural Foundation 35th Anniversary Project Organizers|Toshima Mirai Cultural Foundation / Toshima City /
Tokyo Festival Executive Committee[Toshima City /
Toshima Mirai Cultural Foundation / Festival/Tokyo Executive Committee /
Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture (Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre / Arts Council Tokyo) ]
Support|Supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan in fiscal 2020/
Japan Foundation for Regional Art Activities

Contact Us

Project Planning Group,
Toshima Mirai Cultural Foundation 
Toshima Civic Center,
1-20-10 Higashi-Ikebukuro,
Toshima City

©公益財団法人としま未来文化財団. All Rights Reserved.