
Izumi Seinen-kai


Izumi Onidaiko





About Ondeko

Ondeko of Sado is a folk entertainment of Sado in which demons dance along with the beat of taiko drums to ward off evil and pray for a successful harvest. The ondeko style carried on in the Izumi district of Sado City, Niigata, is categorized as Kuninaka-style Ondeko, which features dancing male and female demons.
They dance elegantly, in a style that incorporates movements from noh, along with the powerful taiko rhythm. Don’t miss the part where two lions join in partway through the performance.

About the Group

The Izumi Seinen-kai is located in the Izumi district of central Sado Island. This district contains many historic sites including the Hojo Residence, a wooden statue of Kannon that is a nationally designated tangible cultural property, the Kuroki Palace ruins where Retired Emperor Juntoku lived after being exiled to Sado, and Shoboji Temple which is connected to noh master Zeami. The association gets its name from Izumi Village, which was called Izumi Village until a merger in 1886.
