Ukichi Takano and Chichibu Shachu
Chichibu Yatai-bayashi
国指定無形民俗文化財 秩父屋台囃子は「京都の祇園」「飛騨の高山」と並んで日本三大曳山祭りにあげられ、毎年12月2日・3日に行われる「秩父夜祭」において曳き回される山車の下層部で演奏されるお囃子です。
【About the Performance】
A Nationally Designated Intangible Folk Cultural Property, Chichibu Yatai-bayashi is considered one of Japan’s three major float festivals along with Gion Festival in Kyoto, and Hida festival in Takayama. The Chichibu Night Festival is held every year on December 2 and 3, and the Yatai-bayashi is the musical accompaniment played by performers seated on the lower levels of the festival floats. The smaller shime-daiko and the large taiko are played in an alternating rhythm, and the beats seem to control the movement of the festival floats. Packed into a space like the hull of a ship, the energetic playing of the performers plays an important role in coordinating the power and rhythm of the people who pull the 20-ton floats.
【About the Group】
This preservation association began in Saitama in 1955 when the founder, Ukichi Takano created the Intangible Folk Cultural Property Chichibu Yatai-bayashi Preservation Association. The association rehearses at their own taiko dojo called “Kobunkan” where they train people to carry on the tradition, with over 1200 students to date. In 2020, the association was featured in an episode of an NHK program about Japanese regional traditions. Notable performances include command performances for Their Majesties Emperor and Empress Showa and the then-Crown Prince, “Taiko of Japan” at the National Theatre, NHK Folk Entertainment Festival, Expo ’70, Expo ’81, and Expo ’85. Overseas performances include a 30-day tour of Canada, as well as invited performances in Romania, Poland, Russia, several African countries, USA, China, Australia, and more, earning favorable reviews in each location.