Nagasaki Shishi Ren
Nagasaki Shishimai
平成4年 豊島区指定無形民俗文化財
旧長崎村の人々は村の鎮守である現在の長崎神社に集い、悪疫災厄退散、五穀豊穣、雨乞い、厄除け、天下泰平を祈り獅子舞を演じてきた。漆黒の地鳥の羽を背に負った木彫りの竜頭をかぶり、腹に太鼓をつけた若者が勇壮に舞い踊る。毎年5月第2日曜に長崎神社 獅子舞祭で演じられている。
This folk entertainment has been passed down in Toshima since the Genroku era (1688-1704). The people of Nagasaki Village (part of present-day Toshima) would gather at their shrine, which still stands today as Nagasaki Shrine, to perform this shishimai dance to pray for the elimination of epidemics and disasters, an abundant harvest, rain, protection from evil, and world peace. Young dancers wear carved wooden dragon heads, jet-black chicken feathers down their backs, and sling taiko drums across their stomachs while they dance majestically. It is performed every year on the second Sunday in May at the Nagasaki Shrine Festival.
【1992 Toshima Designated Intangible Folk Cultural Property】