Fujimoto Hayashi Renchu
Fujimoto-bayashi and Kotobuki-jishi
平成14年 豊島区指定無形民俗文化財
東京の祭囃子の特徴である五人囃子の形態をとり、神田流大間囃子に属します。曲目は、屋台・聖殿・鎌倉・四丁目・玉入れ・屋台の組曲で演奏されます。かつて長崎地域が農村であった頃の、のどかな笛の音と、締め太鼓の小気味よいテンポを聞かせるのが特徴です。 冨士元囃子と道具一式は豊島区の無形・有形民俗文化財として指定されています。
*毎年7月第1土曜・日曜 長崎富士塚開山
This traditional festival music troupe began when Motohashi Jutaro learned the art at the turn of the 20th century, and is now led by the head of the religious association for the Nagasaki Fujizuka, a mound representing Mount Fuji in present-day Toshima’s Takamatsu area. Based on the traditional Tokyo festival musical accompaniment, the troupe has five members, and is affiliated with the Kanda-Oma style.
The music hearkens back to when the Nagasaki region of Toshima was an agricultural village, with idyllic flute and the brisk tempo of the shime-daiko drum. There is also a celebratory Kotobuki-jishimai lion dance.
Every year on the second weekend in September at the Nagasaki Shrine Festival, the troupe sits in a movable float decorated with lanterns and performs while moving around the neighborhood, getting everyone into the festival spirit.
【2002 Toshima Designated Intangible Folk Cultural Property】
*First weekend in July, Nagasaki Fujizuka Mountain Opening (Place) Nagasaki Fujizuka located on the grounds of Asama Shrine (Takamatsu 2-9-3)
*Fujimoto-bayashi rehearses once a month. Interested people are welcome to attend. (Place) Takamatsu 2-9-3, Toshima