Tangshan Dragon And Lion Dance Association
Chinese Southern Lion Dance
中国華南地方の広東省、香港等で舞われている民間伝統芸能。 主に春節や各種慶祝行事で演舞され、邪気を払い幸運をもたらすおめでたい獅子舞です。 日本では開港の頃、横浜の華僑によって始められ、現在では横浜神戸長崎の中華街で伝承されています。
【About Chinese Southern Lion Dance】
This traditional folk performing art is performed in China’s southern region around Guangdon Province, in Hong Kong, and more. It is a dance performance usually done during Lunar New Year celebrations and other celebrations. It is an auspicious lion dance that wards off evil and brings good fortune. When Japan began opening its ports to trade, the tradition began in Yokohama’s Chinatown, and it continues to be handed down in Japan’s Chinatowns in Yokohama, Kobe, and Nagasaki.